quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008


Hidden Sources Of MSG In Foods
From the book 'Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills'
By Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD

What if someone were to tell you that a chemical (MSG) added to food could cause brain damage in your children, and that this chemical could effect how your children's nervous systems formed during development so that in later years they may have learning or emotional difficulties?

What if there was scientific evidence that these chemicals could permanently damage a critical part of the brain known to control hormones so that later in life your child might have endocrine problems? How would you feel?

Suppose evidence was presented to you strongly suggesting that the artificial sweetener in your diet soft drink may cause brain tumors to develop, and that the number of brain tumors reported since the introduction of this widespread introduction of this artificial sweetener has risen dramatically? Would that affect your decision to drink these products and especially to allow your children to drink them? What if you could be shown overwhelming evidence that one of the main ingredients in this sweetener (aspartate) could cause the same brain lesions as MSG? Would that affect your buying decisions?

And finally, what if it could be demonstrated that all of these types of chemicals, called excitotoxins, could possibly aggravate or even precipitate many of today's epidemic neurodegenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, ALS, and Alzheimer's disease? Would you be concerned if you knew that these excitotoxin food additives are a particular risk if you have diabetes, or have ever had a stroke, brain injury, brain tumor, seizure, or have suffered from hypertension, meningitis, or viral encephalitis?

Would you also be upset to learn that many of the brain lesions caused by these products in your children are irreversible and can result from a SINGLE exposure of these products in sufficient concentration?

How would you feel when you learn the food industry hides and disguises these excitotoxin additives (MSG and Aspartate) so they can't be recognized? Incredulous? Enraged? The fact is many foods are labeled as having "No MSG" but in fact not only contain MSG but also are laced with other excitotoxins of equal potency and danger.

All of the above are true. And all of these well known brain toxins are poured into our food and drink by the thousands of tons to boost sales. These additives have NO OTHER purpose other than to enhance to TASTE of food and the SWEETNESS of various diet products.

Hidden Sources Of MSG

As discussed previously, the glutamate (MSG) manufacturers and the processed food industries are always on a quest to disguise the MSG added to food. Below is a partial list of the most common names for disguised MSG. Remember also that the powerful excitotoxins, aspartate and L-cystine, are frequently added to foods and according to FDA rules require NO LABELING AT ALL.

* Food Additives that ALWAYS contain MSG *

Monosodium Glutamate
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Hydrolyzed Protein
Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
Plant Protein Extract
Sodium Caseinate
Calcium Caseinate
Yeast Extract
Textured Protein (Including TVP)
Autolyzed Yeast
Hydrolyzed Oat Flour
Corn Oil

* Food Additives That FREQUENTLY Contain MSG *

Malt Extract
Malt Flavoring
Natural Flavors/Flavoring
Natural Beef Or Chicken Flavoring

* Food Additives That MAY Contain MSG Or Excitotoxins *

Soy Protein Concentrate
Soy Protein Isolate
Whey Protein Concentrate

Also: Protease Enzymes of various sources can release excitotoxin amino acids from food proteins.

Aspartame - An Intense Source Of Excitotoxins
Aspartame is a sweetener made from two amino acids, phenylalanine and the excitotoxin aspartate. It should be avoided at all costs. Aspartame complaints accounts for approximately 70% of ALL complaints to the FDA. It is implicated in everything from blindness to headaches to convulsions. Sold under dozens of brand names such as NutraSweet and Equal, aspartame breaks down within 20 minutes at room temperature into several primary toxic and dangerous ingredients:

1. DKP (diketopiperazine) (When ingested, converts to a near duplicate of
a powerful brain tumor causing agent)
2. Formic Acid (ant venom)
3. Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
4. Methanol (causes blindness...extremely dangerous substance)

Common Examples:
Diet soft drinks, sugar free gums, sugar free Kool Aid, Crystal Light, childrens' medications, and thousands of other products claiming to be 'low calorie', 'diet', or 'sugar free'.

A Final Note...

Dr. Blaylock recounted a meeting with a senior executive in the food additive industry who told him point blank that these excitotoxins are going to be in our food no matter how many name changes are necessary...

domingo, 25 de maio de 2008

quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2008

terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008


"E vivem como se nunca fossem morrer, e morrem como se nunca tivessem vivido."

Na era de Kali Yuga

Maldita sociedade capitalista que faz as pessoas gostarem mais de objectos do que de outras pessoas. Que faz com que se preocupem mais com merdas fúteis do que com aquilo que é realmente importante.

"As mentes dos homens serão plenamente ocupadas em adquirir riquezas, e as riquezas serão gastas somente em deleite próprio. Os homens fixarão seus desejos sobre as riquezas, mesmo que adquiridas desonestamente. Nenhum homem repartirá a menor fracção da menor moeda, apesar das súplicas de um amigo. O povo estará quase sempre aterrado pelas privações e temeroso pela escassez."

"Os ladrões se tornam reis, e os reis, ladrões. As mulheres virtuosas são raras. A promiscuidade se generaliza... A terra já quase nada produz em certos lugares e muito em outros. Os poderosos se apropriam dos bens públicos e deixam de proteger o povo... pessoas sem moralidade pregam a virtude a outrem... Associações criminosas se formam nas cidades e nos países"

«As raças de escravos tornar-se-ão as senhoras do mundo. Os chefes serão homens violentos. Os reis não protegerão mais os seus povos e privá-los-ão dos seus bens. A única união entre os sexos será a do prazer. A terra não será mais apreciada senão pelas suas riquezas minerais. A vida tornar-se-á uniforme no meio de uma promiscuidade universal. Aquele que possuir mais dinheiro dominará os homens. Cada homem considerar-se-á como igual às autoridades espirituais. O povo temerá a morte e o pensamento da pobreza aterrorizá-lo-á. As mulheres não serão senão objectos de prazer sexual.»

Excertos de Vishnu Purana

sábado, 17 de maio de 2008

Nem sei que raio de titulo escrever...

"Male chicks are considered to be trash: They are tossed in the garbage or are thrown—while still alive—into high-speed grinders soon after birth because they aren't considered profitable.

Male chicks are just some of the many casualties of the factory-farming industry. You can help stop horrors like this by giving vegetarianism a try. Since next week (May 19-25) is World Vegetarian Week, why not take the Seven-Day Pledge to Be Veg? It's just a week, so give it a shot!"


sexta-feira, 16 de maio de 2008

Caturras e Star Wars

Esta é a minha caturra Nicky.

Um dia ela vai ser uma jedi como as do vídeo que se segue.

quinta-feira, 8 de maio de 2008

What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor?

(clicar na imagem)

What'll we do with a drunken sailor,
What'll we do with a drunken sailor,
What'll we do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-aye in the morning

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Earl-eye in the morning

Como apanhar um rato...

"Give me the mouse George! Gi'me! gi'me! gi'me! gi'me! gi'me!"